LINKTOWN CHURCH.    19th. December 2024. 

“ Hark the Glad sound! the saviour comes, the saviour promised long; let every heart exult with joy ,and every voice with song!”  Worship  at Linktown on Sunday at 11.00 is  a Nativity themed service led by the Rev. Dr. Graham Deans our locum minister  to which all are welcome to experience the Joy of Christmas . The Romanian Pentecostal Church worship in our building each Tuesday and Sunday from 6-9pm. Future celebrations are Tuesday 24th.  Dec, Christmas Eve Social in  Linktown Church hall  9.00  - 11.15pm followed by  Watchnight service in Linktown Church. 11.30 pm - 12.00  all welcome to come along and experience the Joy of Christmas. As from Sunday the 5th. January the Town Centre churches will be united as  “ Langtoun  Central Church of Scotland Kirkcaldy and therefore joint services will be held thereafter. 5th. Jany. Abbotshall , 12th. Bennochy, 19th. St. Bryce and 26th January Linktown.  Please contact any elder or telephone 266018 in case of need and check our website for up to date information. For hall enquires contact and for general enquiries contact or tele.266018. “As a little girl climbed onto Santa's lap, Santa asked the usual,  "And what would you like for Christmas?”  The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified for a minute, then gasped:  "Didn't you get my E-mail?”

We wish you all a lovely Christmas full of Joy , peace and Love.